Sent on behalf of Senior Fair Board and the Junior Fair Poultry Committee:
Dear All Turkey Exhibitors,
Due to a new requirement from the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA), all turkeys - market and breeding - have to be pullorum tested. Please note that although you are only bringing 1 market turkey to the fair or 1 breed turkey to the fair, all turkeys in your possession have to be tested to ensure that the turkey(s) being exhibited have been tested.
To comply with this new regulation from ODA, the following has been scheduled for 2024.
When: Saturday, July 27, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (a separate email will be sent for you to schedule a testing time later this week.)
Where: Guernsey County Fairgrounds behind the grandstands
Cost: $10.00 per bird. Please have the correct change or check made payable to the Guernsey County Poultry Committee
Testing Details: Turkeys will not be unloaded for testing and it will take approximately two to four weeks for test results to be returned to Senior Fair Board. Please note, that this is a blood draw test and a licensed veterinarian will be completing the test from Feeder Creek Veterinary.
If you have any questions about this new process, please contact one of the Poultry Committee officers or the Senior Fair Board.
Sandy McCormick - 740-241-0663
Deb Roberson - 740-517-0943
Courtney Haug - 740-891-1034
Twila Wright - 740-584-1198
President- Kylee Roe
Vice President- Anna Higgins
Secretary- Emma Blair
Treasurer- Avary Vasko